Last Saturday we all got to go to a local dairy that also has a small farm, miniature golf, homemade ice cream, and more. I'm not sure that I've mentioned it, but my youngest brother, Scott, and his family moved to Columbus to start dental school at OSU. Poor timing because we just left there, but atleast we're only an hour away so we've gotten to hang out a bit. He just turned 25 and to celebrate, they came up to Dayton and we went to the dairy with the little ones. Here are the moments captured on camera:

It was love at first sight when Owen saw the tractors he was actually allowed to climb.

Ava loves to sit behind any kind of steering wheel lately and drive.

Had to snap a shot of us in our matching hats. Owen thinks it's was pretty funny I have a hat like him.

The boy loves his farm animals!

This is the fattest turkey I've ever seen! HUGE!

The whole day was a wool festival. So, they were sheering sheep and llama, then spinning their own yarn. Pretty cool to see.

Ava just kicking back, enjoying the sights.

They had a whole music station set us for kids to pluck, strum, and bang on instruments.

After the dairy it was home for some birthday BLT sandwiches. Happy birthday Scott. You're a wonderful brother! Good luck in dental school.