Thursday, April 22, 2010

Time for an update. . .FINALLY. I know.

I feel like I've been slacking again in the blog area. The days just go by too fast, and there's always too many other things on the 'to do' list I guess. I hope you enjoy some recent photos of a few happenings in the last couple months with our family.
A new year always brings another birthday. This year was number 31. I still can't believe my 20's are over.
I believe this was Valentines Sunday.

Owen is growing up. He's recently gained interest in learning to ride his bike without training wheels. That's a "Dad job" if you ask me.
Ava and Ruth rode in the stroller.
We went to visit the Easter bunny at the mall, but we didn't go while he was on shift. So, this was the closest we got. Ruth is 6 months here.
Owen started his first soccer season. Sadly, it was bitter cold for the first game.
Ryan had a birthday. This picture speaks volumes. Ava has always had a soft spot for Ryan. The feeling is mutual I believe. Ava was saying adorable things. I wish I had written them down. Ryan was eating it up while Owen was on the side so bugged because he just wanted to blow the candles already and eat some cake.
After dinner one night Owen and Ava left the table and Ryan and I were actually enjoying a peaceful, uninterrupted conversation. Soon we discovered what was keeping the two buddies so busy upstairs. They had gotten into all of the girl's hair bows and had a little fun.
They had to have Dad in on the action.
Another Easter already. I just love to pieces when they match each other. Doesn't happen often with a boy and two girls. Props to Ryan's mom for the outfits.


Sassy said...

So cute! Ruth looks so much like Ava. So cute. It was fun to see the update!! Hang in there. You are almost over the hurdle!!

Preston and Lisa said...

I can't belive how big they all look! We miss you guys and it's good to hear you're all doing well! cant wait to see another update!

brandy said...

Yay for an update! The kids look SO big! I can't even believe it! Ruth looks just like Ava huh? We need to chat and catch up!

Just so you know....I changed our blog's URL address to other address doesn't work anymore. Talk to you soon..xoxo.

Jessica Reeves said...

I'm so glad to see an update! Happy Birthday! Your kids are so adorable and they are getting so big! I'm glad you guys are doing well!

Ben and Michelle said...

I am so glad you updated. I love the pictures. I can''t believe how fast time goes by. Your kids a so darn cute.

Stephanie T said...

Oh Karen, I miss you so much! Your family has grown so much. I just love seeing everything about them. That was cute for Ryan's Birthday and the bows. I love ya!

David and Kristi Gailey said...

So cute! I love all of these pictures. Ava little smile is so cute. I love the hair bows pictures and the one with Ryan, Owen, and Ava on his birthday. It's great to see an update. We miss you guys.

Laura said...

You look so great with your long hair. I hope I look as good as you when I'm 31. (I'm serious!) Those Easter outfits are really cute. Poor Owen looks like he's stuck in the middle of a sister sandwich. What a good sport! =)

Faith W said...

So cute Karen! My favorite is Ruth with the big bunny. Her face is pure glee. Loved visiting you guys and already missing you. XO

Aubrey Reese said...

Karen your family is beautiful. I've been thinking about you and decided to check out your blog...then I realized I never emailed you back from months ago. I'm so sorry. I miss you and think of you often. We need to catch up sometime. Love ya!