Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Weekend for the Wallis'

The adorable Easter outfits were sent to us by our wonderful Emee. Thank you Linda for making my babies look so cute. You're too good to us.
Our attempt to get some kind of family photo. Always a challenge to have everyone smile together.
So, for Ryan's birthday and Easter we spent the weekend in Cincinnati. One of the highlights of the weekend was when Ryan pulled out his old go-cart to give the kids a ride.
Owen was in absolute heaven. Pretty sure this will be an expected activity every time we go down to Cincinnati now.
Ryan said he's start up the old engine "for the kids," but I think we know the enjoyment was equally shared.
Ava absolutely LOVED the ride. She kept saying, "Faster, faster." Ryan says finally he has someone who will ride roller coasters with him.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I think I have that EXACT outfit you are wearing! skirt from gap, shoes from steve madden...can't remember the shirt, but I swear I have that too!