Ryan left for Alabama this week where he will complete 5 1/2 weeks of officer training with the U.S. Air Force. Because he received a 3 year scholarship from the Air Force during dental school, we now owe them 3 years of our life in the service. Before that can begin, he needed to go through training since we've literally done NOTHING except recieve their paycheck every month for the last 3 years. Nows time to pony up.
Thankfully we hear it's not as bad as the enlisted boot camp others go through. However, he did get a wakup call today at 4:30 am and when his roommate called the female officer, "Sir," he got a, "IT'S MA AM, AND I CAN SHOW YOU THE DIFFERENCE." Luckily she didn't elaborate. We're thinking he'll have a lot of stories to share after this month. Luckily, his good friend Richard Luff is there going through it with him. Some moral support may be needed at times.
Really we're hoping our time with the Air Force will give Ryan a couple extra years of training (one year for sure with his general practice residency) and then a couple more good years of experience before we decide where to settle down and buy a practice.
We're thinking about you every minute Ryan. Hang in there.
Yikes - good thing she didn't elaborate.
What a fun adventure this will be for your family and we are so proud of you Ryan.
Cute blog! I'm glad we have a way to keep in touch a little better. I can't believe Ava turned one, that is crazy how fast it went. I hope you hang in there while Ryan is gone. Let us know when you are back in Ohio.
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